
Living Trust Plan

Answers to common questions about our Living Trust Plan.

  • How does a Living Trust Plan work?

    A Living Trust Plan uses a combination of documents and strategies to manage and distribute your estate without probate.  The primary document is a revocable "living" trust which contains instructions to appoint a trustee and distribute your assets.  Other documents are included with this plan to fund the trust and assist the trustee to administer the estate. 

  • What documents are included?

    These documents are included with a Living Trust Plan:

    • Revocable ("living") trust
    • Certificate of trust existence
    • Authorization to disclose medical information
    • Warranty deed to transfer real estate to trust
    • Assignment of personal property to trust
    • Agreement to transfer business assets to trust
    • Trust funding instructions
    • All documents needed by the trustee to administer the trust (trustee instructions, acceptance of trust, certificate of trust, notice to beneficiaries, and notice to creditors)
    • Pour-over will
    • Power of attorney
    • Healthcare directive
    • Appointment of guardian
    • Appointment of funeral representative
    • Estate planning roadmap
  • Who is this plan designed for?

    A Living Trust Plan is suitable for anyone who meets these criteria:

    • Desires to avoid probate
    • Wants to appoint a person to manage and distribute their estate
    • Has minor children, or multiple adult beneficiaries, or relatively complex distribution plans for their property
  • What are the benefits of this plan?

    A Living Trust Plan is designed to provide these benefits (which may vary in each case):

    • Avoid probate proceedings
    • Reduce cost and complexity of estate administration
    • Coordinate assets to work with estate planning documents for maximum benefit
    • Designate any number of beneficiaries, and the age at which they will receive property
    • Designate personal property to be given to specific persons
    • Make charitable gifts
    • Provide care and support for beneficiaries
    • Protect property from waste by beneficiaries
    • Protect property from beneficiaries' creditors
    • Disinherit specific persons
    • Manage property for persons under disability or with substance abuse problems
    • Appoint a trustee to manage property for beneficiaries
    • Appoint an agent under power of attorney to make financial decisions, and handle digital assets
    • Appoint a patient advocate to make medical decisions, including withdrawal of life support
    • Appoint a guardian to care for minor or adult children
    • Appoint a funeral representative to carry out your funeral and burial instructions
    • Prevent family disputes
  • What services do we provide?

    We provide the following services with this plan:

    • Consultation to create your plan
    • Custom document drafting
    • Consultation to review documents
    • Witness and notarize documents
    • Deed recording
    • Document binding
    • Scan documents to flash drive
    • Delivery of original documents and copy on flash drive
    • Follow-up consultations as necessary to implement plan
  • How much does this plan cost?

    Our fees for this plan -  

    Single Person:  $2,450

    Two Persons:  $2,750

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